First Draft

Full discussion around this requirement can be found on the mailing list thread here.

* DeliveryNote # - sequence maintained in systypes with new systype of 9
* Order can have multiple delivery notes - deliverynote # is maintained against the line number.

* Table DeliveryNotes to contain

-- DeliveryNote#
-- timestamp
-- picked by (any userID can be put here)
-- packed by (any userID can be put here)
-- tax data (to put in the PDF for delivery note)

Delivery Note PDF contains

- From City/State (takes addressline 5 and 6 from warehouse location)
- To City/State (takes addressline 5 and 6 from order deliver-to address)
- volume (from order)
- weight (from order)
- no. of items
- Contact (selected from list of contacts associated with the customer)
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