FAQ - General Use

Pricing / Orders

Q: I am trying to enter sales orders for items I do not have in stock but are contained in the stock list, with pricing, etc, yet each time (regardless of item) I get this result. I have checked the item exists, there is pricing for it, both cost and sell. I cannot find the broken link, can anyone help?

"!!The part code 'RJ45M' does not have pricing set up or does not exist in the database and therefore cannot be added to the order.!!"

A: This could occur for a number of reasons. If you imported the parts into the database from an old system it is important to note that when the system creates inventory items ie through manual entry, it creates stock location records for them as well. You can see if stock location records were set up by inspecting the stock status of the item. You should get each location stock listed. If not you need to create stock location records as necessary - A utility script for this called Z_MakeStockLocns.php - enter this script name in to your browser to run it.
Also check that the customer is defined with a valid sales type (price list) and that a price is setup for the sales type of the customer. Since the sales type is a select box it may not be apparent that the customer does not have a sales type selected. Select a sales type and hit update.
Also check that the parameter in config.php for the DefaultPriceList is set to a defined sales type.
by default it is set to:
$DefaultPriceList = "WS";
if there is no WS sales type defined the system has a problem.

Another reason this can happen is that the branch details for the customer for whom an order is being entered does not have appropraite information entered. Setup the branch details correctly and all should be well.

Q: Is there any way to enter items into a sales order freeform, in other words without have a specific part set up. For example if I want to sell an item that I do not normally stock and do want to go through the complete entry process to be able to sell it?

A: Yes. You can enter items into a sales order free form using the special order functionality. First you have to select a supplier that the item is purchased from and the customer that it is to be sold to. Then hit the link on the main menu under orders for special order. This creates a purchase order and sales order for the parts ordered and makes up part codes based on the purchase order number. The purchase cost and the selling price must be entered directly.

Q: Where do I provide discount to our customer not base on the overall percentage of the sale but base on a usage number?
A: Check out the Discount Matrix under Setup, Payables / Receivables?. In here you can make up discount categories that attract discount when a certain number is reached. It is more flexible than many quantity break systems in that it looks at all the products in that category to determine the total quantity. The business case is often discount of x% for orders of more than 1,000. However, if the customer orders 800 blue and 201 red – most systems choke and will not apply the discount. This matrix sums up the quantity accross the category and applies the appropriate discount. The discount category must also be set in the stock item record and the customer record....

check out the manual at

doc/Manual / Manual Contents.php??View Topic?=Prices

Q: Graded can be done today using the discount matrix. Where can I enter the ability to offer a the discount using an dollar amount rather than a percentage?
A: This is not implemented.
A:You may, however, use a quick-fix if you need this functionality as follows. WARNING: DON'T PROCEED IF YOU DON'T KNOW PHP

Edit Selectorder Items.php?, then find and change the price checking statement, approx line 819 to read
If ($Quantity<0 OR $Discount Percentage? >100 OR $Discount Percentage? <0){

Edit includes/Define Cart Class.php?, then find and change the price checking statement, approx line 91 to read
if ($Price<0){ ;

Q: When I create a sales order and invoice... what is the GL code that it will post to? Where is the GL code defined?
A: Sales can be posted to different account depending on the customer branch's sales area (region), the stock category of the item being sold, and the sales type/price list of the customer. There is a table of gl posting codes that needs to be defined under Setup->Sales GL Interface Postings. There is equivalent table for the Cost of Sales GL Postings

Q. I need to raise invoices for non-stock items for example we are sub-letting part of the warehouse and I need to raise an invoice for rent each month. How do I raise an invoice for these types of charges.

A. You need to create a new category for "service type" items. And call it for example z_rent so it appears last in the list of stock categories by alphabetical sort order. It really doesn't matter about the G/L accounts in the stock category record, for stock, WIP, usage and price variances - set these to the same as some other stock categories. TO get the sale posted to the correct G/L account you need to go into the sales GL posting under setup to make the sales account the rent receivable G/L account for the z_rent stock category.

Now create a new item for rent as a dummy or service item as now called - these service items are no stock holding invoice items.

Now you can either create a monthly recurring order for the rent or just invoice it each month.

There is a section in the manual on recurring orders. Recurring orders for dummy/service items can be made to invoice automatically and email the customer invoice.

Q: Where is the delivery order?
A: Packing slips can be printed from the order

Q: Can I sell an item but I don't want to define a stock code?
A: No, but you can define dummy items for services and others where you do not want to maintain stock amounts.

Controlled Items

Q: The serial numbers of controlled and serialized items do not show up on invoice or shipping slip. How can I track those numbers?
A: The invoice and packing slip need modification to show these - this would require some new code to be written.

Q: How can I track serial numbers at all? There is no report which shows the use of the individuell numbers.

Q: Is there anybody, whow could do the coding for showing the serial numbers on invoice and shipping slip?


Q1: When I enter money received, it asks if I want a customer receipt or a GL receipt. What are these?

A GL receipt is a receipt of cash which is not as a result of a sale to a customer. Maybe the company paid for some travel where a partner travelled with the employee and the employee re-imburses the company for the partner's travel cost, the receipt of the money from the employee would want to be entered to the credit of the travel account in the general ledger. This is how you would enter it.

Q2: Also, I was entering in the data for the checks received, and it turns out that our customer paid us two dollars less than what he should have. Now, when I go to allocate the money, it won't let me since it is not enough for the bill that is due? How to I deal with this?

You can also enter the amount to allocate against the invoice manually. If you simply tick the box to fully allocate the invoice then the system assumes you wish to allocate the invoice fully and if there is insufficient in the receipt to fully allocate the invoice it gives an
error. You need to enter the amount to allocate manually in the box provided.

Q3: The following error pops up on invoicing an order that has been dispatched ...what shall I do?

CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE: The sales GL posting could not be inserted because: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 'C1039 - 10615 x 1 @ 500.0000', -500 )' at l

The following SQL to insert the GLTrans record was used:
INSERT INTO GLTrans ( Type, TypeNo, TranDate, PeriodNo, Account, Narrative, Amount ) VALUES ( 10, 2, '2004/11/01', 59, , 'C1039 - 10615 x 1 @
500.0000', -500 )

You must define the sale General Ledger Posting codes. This is the general ledger analysis of sales. It maybe that all sales go to one general ledger account. In which case this general ledger account needs to be set up under main menu, setup, Sales GL Interface postings. The cost of sales GL Postings should also be setup if you wish to have stock integration. If you dont wish to have general ledger integration this should be switched off by going into Setup tab of the main menu and Compnay preferences, then the option:

Create GL entries for accounts receivable transactions: should be set to no

Also if you don't wish to have general ledger stock integration then you should set

Create GL entries for stock transactions (at standard cost): to no as well.

Q4: I'm mapping my outlets (stores) as customers, how do I handle returns from these "customers"?

Retail stores presumably have their own stock? I'd say that they map better then to stock locations rather than "customers". webERP does not currently have the functionality to manage POS transactions well - using it in this environment will entail compromises that may be unacceptable. Whole invoices can be credited and options exist to return the goods to stock or write the cost of the goods off to a selected general ledger account. Check out the manual on:


Search for "credit notes".

Q5: Where do I provide discount to our customer not base on the overall percentage of the sale but base on a usage number?
A: Check out the Discount Matrix under Setup, Payables / Receivables?. In here you can make up discount categories that attract discount when a certain number is reached. It is more flexible than many quantity break systems in that it looks at all the products in that category to determine the total quantity. The business case is often discount of x% for orders of more than 1,000. However, if the customer orders 800 blue and 201 red – most systems choke and will not apply the discount. This matrix sums up the quantity accross the category and applies the appropriate discount. The discount category must also be set in the stock item record and the customer record....

check out the manual at

doc/Manual / Manual Contents.php??View Topic?=Prices

Q6: When I create a sales order and invoice... what is the GL code it will post? Where is the setting?
A: Defined by sales area (region), stock category, sales type – there is a table of gl posting codes under “setup” – Sales GL Interface Postings

Q7: Where is the delivery order?
A: Packing slips can be printed from the order

Q8: Can I sell an item but I don't want to define a stock code?
A: No, but you can define dummy items for services and others where you do not want to maintain stock amounts.

Goods Received GL Entries

I've entered about 20 purchase orders to date and have 'received' them into WebERP. Last thing I did last night was to check that they were indeed being posted into the correct inventory account. I was happy to see, there they were in Acct. XXXX Inventory Account. BUT.... they were all posted with a zero dollar value.

Is there a step I missed??

Yes - all items when created need to be setup with a standard cost. These standard costs need to be updated as supplier prices, exchange rates and/or freight rates change. The system reports variances against these standard costs when invoices are entered against suppliers for the goods received.
Select an Item - click on "Maintain Standard Cost"

See http://athlon/webERP/doc/Manual/ManualContents.php?ViewTopic=Inventory
in particular the section on Adding Inventory Items

Reversing Mistakes/Incorrect Supplier Invoices

If you enter a Supplier invoice incorrectly, and have to remove it.

The system will not let you just delete the invoice, this is to ensure a complete transaction record is always kept.

You must enter a Suppliers Credit Note for the supplier and enter an amount of the credit (note the amount of the credit is entered as a positive (+) amount, eg '25' not '-25').

Then return to the Main Menu and correctly enter the Suppliers Invoice.

Reversing Mistakes/Incorrect Payments

If you enter a Payment to the wrong supplier or at the wrong rate, and have to correct it.

The system will not let you just delete the payment, this is to ensure a complete transaction record is always kept. Whilst this is not a requirement of single user software - it is necessary in a networked system to minimise opportuities for removing transactions without a trace where money may otherwise be paid twice and perhaps cashed by the wrong person.

You must enter a negative Payment and enter an amount entered as a negative (-) amount, eg. if you mistakenly entered a payment of $1,500.00 you should enter a new negative payment of '-1500' . This will balance out the mistake.

Setting up an Assembly Part and a Bill of Materials Version 3.00

There is a mistake in 3.0 code WorkCentres.php, you need the updated file from version 3.1 (CVS version 1.7 get it from the web CVS archive)

You can not add a BOM without first setting up a WorkCentre.

Is WebERP a Cash or Accrual based accounting system?

Cash accounting means that the income is only recognised when the money comes in.

WebERP produces general ledger transactions to recognise income when the charge - invoice is created - this is accrual accounting. Similarly the date of the purchase invoice is the date on which the charge is recognised in webERP.

See the HOWTO section to change from Accrual to Cash.

The Trial Balance PDF Report seems to report the wrong dates

The header information for Trial Balance report (both html and pdf version) has an incorrect 'from' period.

In fact the TB shows the month information for the last period in the range selected and also the number of months movement/balances for the range selected so the wording Trial Balance for the month of September 2005 and the 6 months to September 2005 is actually correct.

The Trial Balance generates sql error


Database Error : Inserting new chart details records required failed because
Not unique table/alias: 'chartdetails'

Database SQL Failure : The SQL that failed was
INSERT INTO chartdetails (accountcode, period) SELECT chartmaster.accountcode, periods.periodno FROM chartmaster CROSS JOIN periods LEFT JOIN chartdetails ON chartmaster.accountcode = chartdetails.accountcode AND periods.periodno = chartdetails.period WHERE (periods.periodno BETWEEN -1 AND 1) AND chartdetails.accountcode IS NULL

A. Versions of mysql prior to 4.1.1 cannot process this sql - you must upgrade your mysql server to >= 4.1.1

The Customer Statement PDF Report does not show all the transactions

The Customer Statement PDF Report, available under Print Statements only shows transactions that were settled in the current month. The Customer Balance is still correct, but it does not list all transactions going back in time. If you want a complete listing, use the Customer Transaction Inquiries.


I selected another language, but it does not work.

It is not yet translated or not completely translated. Or there are technical problems. Let your IT specialist check out the GetText page.
Some possible reasons:
- possibly the server does not have the language code you are asking for installed. You can check from a command line by typing locale -a - to show all the locales installed on your server. The code must be the same as one of the server locale codes.
- the encoding in the messages.po may need to be set or changed from ISO-8959-1. This is actually done by translating the string ISO-8859-1 in the messages.po of the translation you are using. Of course the messages.mo needs to be recreated using msgfmt.exe after having created the messages.po translation.
- your browser may be forcing a different encoding.

Translation Doesn't Work

messages.mo and messages.po for my language have been copied under \locale\id_ID\LC_MESSAGES and the config.php file has been edited:

$DefaultLanguage ='en_GB';
$DefaultLanguage ='id_ID';

I have refreshed my browser and login to weberp but still cant see the new language everything is still in english.
I have installed GNU GetText for Windows and enabled the windows extension for gettext

What step did I miss?


You have to change your user account to be id_ID.
Click on your user name at the top of the screen and select the language from the list box - after update

gettext must be enabled in your php installation - then restart apache. There is a file php.ini that needs the gettext module to be enabled. You can check
with the phpinfo.php script in the distribution to see the setup of php it should refer to gettext.

On Linux Systems you can do that with this commands :

> sudo apt-get install gettext ( to install gettext utility)
> sudo apt-get install php-gettext (to install php-gettext extension to your php)
> sudo locale-gen id_ID

and be sure that the translation files have the right permissions for the www-data user .

Errors regarding LC_MESSAGES appear on every page - how can I stop these?

Two choices

1. You can turn off display_errors in php.ini

> ; Print out errors (as a part of the output). For production web sites,
> ; you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error
> logging ; instead (see below). Keeping display_errors enabled on a
> production web site ; may reveal security information to end users, such as
> file paths on your Web ; server, your database schema or other information.
> display_errors = Off

2. The file includes/LanguageSetup.php is the real issue ... some installations have a
problem with some of the other elements of the locale settings so webERP aims
just to change the locale setting required to setup for the language strings.
The setting LC_ALL is required under some installations:

This maybe reqiured in some stubborn installations
$Locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, $_SESSION['Language']);

$Locale = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, $_SESSION['Language']);
$Locale = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, $_SESSION['Language']);

If you remove the comment at the start of the line for LC_ALL and comment out
the bottom two lines this may improve your install:

This maybe reqiured in some stubborn installations
$Locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, $_SESSION['Language']);

$Locale = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, $_SESSION['Language']);
$Locale = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, $_SESSION['Language']);

How can I generate my own messages.mo file in windows?

You can create your messages.mo using the program that comes with gettext
called msgfmt checkout the docs with gettext.


Check out the other documentation on webERP wiki for translations:

Other FAQ

How Do I Get the Latest scripts

A: All the latest development is held in the sourceforge CVS - Concurrent Versioning System - you can browse directly to pick out individual scripts and even see what the changes were from the previous version from:


or you can downlod the entire CVS versions - ie the very latest development scripts - which could potentially be unstable! Sourceforge provides instructions at:


Its important to bear in mind that these scripts will contain advances and bug fixes but may also contain errors since they have not undergone extensive testing.

What is the license of webERP

A: webERP is licensed under the GPL

A: The authors: until 2006 this was largely Logic Works Ltd - Phil Daintree's company. With more developers taking an active role in development the copyright is with all the respective authors. webERP.org is now the body that administers the copyright on behalf of the community of developers - the trusttees for webERP.org are the administrators of the open source project - Tim Schofield and Phil Daintree. The copyright notice has been modified in 2007 to reflect this change.

How do I get the Japanese locale working in Ubuntu?

Basically, the language-pack-ja in Ubuntu only installs the ja_JP.utf
8 locale by default, and you need the ja_JP.EUC-JP EUC-JP to get
Weberp working with Japanese. i include the main steps from the url
above just in case the link ever gets broken:

Execute the following:

$ cd /var/lib/locales/supported.d/
# touch ja

Now open up the file in a text editor and make certain it contains the following lines.


ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8

Finally run:

dpkg-reconfigure locales
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