Transition to UTF-8

A bit of Background, review the developers mailing list for more

TCPDF class allows CID fonts to be used (visit for details) - basic CID fonts are available in acrobat reader that will allow utf-8 pdfs to be produced without having to embed (bundle) the excessively large fonts within the pdf which defeat the webERP goal of enabling the system to run in very low bandwidth environments.

Javier has got things working with TCPDF. Now, to do things better and prepare WebERP to the stage where papersize may be user defined, all PDFs need to be modified slightly:

Work Required

In the utf8 branch of SVN:


Put $FontSize assignments after $pdf->addInfo calls


Ensure addInfo calls have capitalised 'I' not lower case 'i'.


Replace changes in font between normal and bold such as


to turn on bold type face in the default font and replace the following lines:


to turn off bold type face in the default font


Remove references to the output function that are only attempting to get the length of the pdf (the ouput function in TCPDF creates the pdf - not just creating a pdf string - so we can't test for its length anymore). Change the code to bail out of the pdf creation process at the point when we know if there are no records returned from the sql using code like:
if(DB_num_rows($DB_result)==0) { 
	     $Title = _('Report name Error Report');
	     include ('includes/');
	     prnMsg(_('There is nothing to report on based on the selections made'),'error');
	     include ('includes/');


Correct the syntax of the pdf creation method to make calls to the $pdf->OutputD($_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_' .'ReportName_' . date('Y-m-d').'.pdf');


Delete the http header code - this is now sent automatically by TCPDF


Where previously we used the CVS $Revsion substitution variable this is not available in svn and we need to change it to $Id$ inside the existing comment


Add the line
after the
$pdf->OutputD($_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '_' .'ReportName_' .  date('Y-m-d').'.pdf');
to free memory

*Javier*: Following is the list that I have been making during these last months, it has three parts; I will carry on my back the first 2 parts and have made 2 examples of 3rd part: the first AgedDebtors and PDFPriceList.

The folder /reportwriter: Javier

PDF Scripts That Make Use of class.pdf.php directly (7 scripts)
InventoryPlanning.php: Javier
InventoryPlanningPrefSupplier.php: Javier
MailInventoryValuation.php: Javier
PrintCustOrder.php: Javier
PrintCustTrans.php: Javier
PrintCustTransPortrait.php: Javier
SalesAnalRepts.php - SalesAnalisis_UserDefined.php (Outputs the PDF) - (creates PDF) -

PDF Scripts That Make Use of PDFStarter.php (47 scripts)
AgedDebtors.php: Javier
AgedSuppliers.php: Uldis
BOMExtendedQty.php: Uldis
BOMIndented.php: Uldis
BOMIndentedReverse.php: Uldis
BOMListing.php: Uldis
DebtorsAtPeriodEnd.php: Uldis
GLBalanceSheet.php: Uldis
GLProfit_Loss.php: Phil
GLTagProfit_Loss.php: Phil
GLTrialBalance.php: Phil
InventoryQuantities.php: Phil
InventoryValuation.php: Phil
MRPPlannedPurchaseOrders.php: Phil
MRPPlannedWorkOrders.php: Phil
MRPReport.php: Uldis
MRPReschedules.php: Uldis
MRPShortages.php: Uldis
OutstandingGRNs.php: Uldis
PDFBankingSummary.php: Uldis
PDFChequeListing.php: Uldis
PDFCustomerList.php: Uldis
PDFDeliveryDifferences.php: Uldis
PDFDIFOT.php: Uldis
PDFGrn.php: Uldis
PDFLowGP.php: Uldis
PDFOrdersInvoiced.php: Uldis
PDFOrderStatus.php: Uldis
PDFPriceList.php: Javier
PDFQuotation.php: Uldis
PDFStockCheckComparison.php: Uldis
PDFStockLocTransfer.php: Uldis
PDFStockNegatives.php: Uldis
PDFStockTransfer.php: Uldis
PDFTopItems.php: Uldis
PO_PDFPurchOrder.php: Uldis
PrintCheque.php: Uldis
PrintCustOrder_generic.php: Uldis
PrintCustStatements.php: Uldis
PrintSalesOrder_generic.php: Uldis
ReorderLevel.php: Uldis
StockCheck.php: Phil
StockDispatch.php: Phil
SupplierBalsAtPeriodEnd.php: Phil
SuppPaymentRun.php: Phil
SuppPriceList.php: Phil
Tax.php: Phil
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